Kramers Book Club Picks - September
“Those tears may well be genuine, but that does not make them innocent and harmless: the opposite in fact.” —Ruby Hamad, White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color
Fiction Choice:
The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean: For book lovers, books tend to act like food, but in this book, there are people who literally eat books for food. Devon, a book eater woman, was raised on the sweet stories of fairy tales (but punished with the dry taste of dictionaries). Her son, however, has a different kind of hunger. A hunger not for the written word, but for human minds.
Interested in buying? Check it out here!
Nonfiction Choice:
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad: This book pulls this historical and cultural impact white feminism has had on Black and Indigenous women of color. From the slave era to modern times, Hamad shows how white feminism is a weapon of white supremacy and the patriarchy. This is a callout book, but it is also a validation to all women of color who have been--and continue to be--the victims of white feminism. As the dedication page says, this one is "for the forgotten ones."